Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Easy meal with simple Eggs

I'm a big fan of eggs, any type of eggs. srambled, sunny side up, hard boiled, soft boiled, with rice, with noodles. Easy meal with simple eggs can fill me up for hours. :)
never bored with eggs!
Even in my rent-house i always want to have my-fried-eggs in my dishes. So usually i try to make my-fried-eggs using a rice cooker :P

here it is,,
if you want to have some good smell on your fried eggs, then you can put spring onion on your eggs, put chili also if you want to get spicy taste (i also put some spinach to rise the number of nutrient).
Slice your chili and spring onion, add to your eggs, mix it, don't forget to throw some salt and sugar to your eggs, then mix it again!
be ready with your pan (i mean the pan in your rice cooker :P), first you throw some margarine/coconut oil in your pan, then close the pan, next step you press the cook button on your pan.
wait until about 2 minutes, then open the pan, put the egg into , and close the pan until 2 minutes,
after 2 minutes, one side of your eggs going brown and smell delicious. Let the other side going brown also, by turn the position of your eggs to the reverse.
close the pan and wait abaout 1 minute.
After that, your fried eggs ready to be served :P

happy cooking :D

*remember to plug out your rice cooker power after you finish.

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