Saturday, October 22, 2011

Apang/Apung and the Legend of Faucet

apung: "Pang, what is the function of the faucet (kran) in your bathroom?"
apang:"what yaa, Pung. ahh to fill the water to the bath tube!"
apung:"yaa but other function, i mean"
apang: "what yaa?"
apung:"to increase our confidence"
apung:" if you turn the facet on, you get relax and confidence to pull out your stomach product, because no one will hear your-and-that voice"

Friday, October 21, 2011

I love the morning breeze combing the grass,,
bring the grass fragrant
touch my skin softly
while the sun warmly comforting me

Sunday, October 9, 2011

حدثنا بن أبي عمر حدثنا سفيان عن
مسلم بن أبي مريم عن أبي صالح سمع أبا هريرة قال ثم تعرض الأعمال في كل يوم خميس واثنين فيغفر الله عز وجل في ذلك اليوم لكل امرئ لا يشرك بالله شيئا إلا امرأ كانت بينه وبين أخيه شحناء فيقال اركوا هذين حتى يصطلحا اركوا هذين حتى يصطلحا ( رواه مسلم )[1]

Dari Ibn Abi Umar dari Sufyan dari Muslim ibn Abi Maryam dari Abi Shalih dari Abi Hurairah, ia berkata: “Seluruh amal diperlihatkan pada hari Kamis dan Senin maka pada hari itu Allah swt. memberikan ampunan kepada setiap orang yang tidak menyekutukan Allah dengan suatu apapun kecuali seseorang yang bertengkar antara dia dan saudaranya. Maka dikatakan kepadanya “Biarkanlah kedua orang ini hingga mereka berdamai, biarkanlah kedua orang ini hingga mereka berdamai”. (HR. Muslim).


today i want to talk about idol. The first person that tell me the meaning of idol is my friend at 2nd grade of high school. Idol literally means "berhala", so idoling people means you really adore to them, everything they do is perfect on your objective, their lifestyle is your dream.

But every second we got mature, we realize that they are imperfect. They are different from what we think before. they are totally just human. not more.
Sometimes they also do cruel thing, a bad ones, inappropriate manner that doesn't fit with our values, doesn't fit with our society values.
From that fact, please treat them just like human. Learn the good things from them, and do not copy their bad.

"Do not see the words from the speaker, Look at the words then you will know who the speaker is"

That sentence really means something to me; you can interpret that you can learn from everyone, everywhere, every time with various ways.

Recently my friends doing much great thing. They become reliable and powerful as human. So much good things can be learn from them.
i want to congrats them from the deepest of my heart with all the things that they had done, with all the things they achieved.
My senior in high school recently shows in TV, has a intellectual discussion with the authors, he is the representative student of their campus, The best Campus in our central city. He really shines, make his friend, family, teacher, comrade proud of him.
Two of my friend going to study abroad for student exchange, they were not so shine.. but every minute they become much better, and now they are shine brightly.

Friends that was really amazing, now become more amazing. Have good thought, brilliant, humble and wise. Why they become people like that? maybe they struggle much and learn much than we did.

Another people really become expert on their department, create something new and their product used by people around them. They are make me so proud.

Last new that i heard is, Maria Selena become Putri Indonesia 2011, congrats for her.
She comes from the same high school of me. Everyone really do the metamorphosis.
Back to the past she looks more casual, but now she looks feminine.
Congrats to you.

Everyone has their beautiful side, learn it from them to be better person in the future. =)


Friday, October 7, 2011

Sometimes we heard people so confidence about describing their character.
Labelling themself and ask others to treat them as their label.
Sometime we also do.
Give a price tag to ourselves,
Limiting what kind of human we are.

They say our life is a canvas
and our mind is a colourfull palette
and our soul is a set of brushes
so the question is:
"What would you paint?"